How to dress for an Engagement Photo Shooting?

How to dress for an Engagement Photo Shooting?


What should you wear for an Engagement or for a Couple Portrait

A difficult question that may arise spontaneously when preparing to go and create your couple portrait or engagement photo service, could be that of how to dress? What to wear and what absolutely not, so as not to compromise the success of the photo service? Obviously, if you have this doubt the first thing to do is to pick up the phone and call me. But if you want a little guide on the right outfit to wear, these are the main rules to follow!

Foto Prematrimonio Siena Toscana
Best Couple Portrait Photographer in Tuscany

First Rule: Keep location in mind!

If you choose to create a couple portrait photo shoot or engagement in Tuscany and we will agree to go to the countryside, perhaps on the Crete Senesi, heels are probably not the best choice, because you will have great difficulty walking through the fields! Likewise, flip flops or open sandals are not wise if we are walking in tall grass. They are practical choices that are sometimes forgotten when we decide which shoes go best with our outfit at home. Probably, as far as footwear is concerned, the best choice for a couple portrait on the clay is a pair of low-heeled boots, which will allow you freedom of movement in total safety.

Engagement photos in Crete Senesi, Tuscany.
Family Photographer Tuscany

Second Rule: Coordinate!

The photos of everyone in the family wearing the same color jeans and top were trendy in the ’90s but we’ve moved on from there. The most pleasing photos nowadays have everyone in the same color scheme but without all the matchy-matchy goodness of the past. Try picking four or five colors that you want everyone to wear that go well together like brown, navy, cream and mustard. The mustard makes for a nice “pop” color too! Another combo that works would be grey, red, teal and pale green.

Best Couple Portrait Photographer in Tuscany
Family Portrait in Tuscany

Third Rule: never total black or optical white!

For clothing, for both men and women, I always recommend avoiding optical white or total black, colors that are too extreme and difficult to manage in terms of photographic exposure. Also taking into account the season, in the autumn period it is better to focus on solid pastel colors, while in the summer feel free to wear light and flowing dresses, perhaps with some beautiful floral print, which can be coordinated with accessories and large hats, of great effect in the photos. I then advise the couple to coordinate in the outfit, trying as far as possible to wear coordinated and harmonious colors.

Outfit Engagement Couple Portrait
servizio fotografico prematrimonio siena toscana

Fourth Rule: No Shorts!

Except if the location of your engagement is not the beach, for men’s outfits, a style rule applies to all other locations: NO SHORTS! I recommend always avoiding shorts, preferring a nice pair of jeans or linen trousers, combining them with a nice shirt in pastel colors, but never completely white. As for women, feel free to wear hats and glasses!

couple portrait in tuscany
Engagement photos in Siena, Tuscany.

Last but not least Rule: Be Yourself!

You are not going to fall in love with images of yourself wearing a brightly patterned floral dress if you are a woman who almost always wears black. Similarly, men forced into a button down and vest that always wear rock band T-shirts are going to think they look ridiculous. If your usual style is not the sort of thing you want to hang on your wall then find a happy medium. When you purchase photographic artwork you are doing so because you want to remember the love, joy and experience of now in the most beautiful way possible. Stay true to your family and yourself when making wardrobe choices to make that happen.
It’s so important that people don’t stick to the traditional thing of all wearing one color. Just like your family, what everyone wears should be diverse. Show your personality through your outfits. These are photos you will have for years so when you look back at them make sure your outfits fit the way your family is and be always true to you!

Engagement photos in Crete Senesi, Tuscany.


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